Gluey is currently under active development and we are working towards a public alpha.

The Go Framework
for Startups

Comes with Batteries included for productive Gophers.

Gluey Gopher

Go with Sustainable Components

Write good code that works from the start.

CLI at Heart

As a hackers we love the command line. That's why Gluey will deliver a mighty CLI tool that enables you to generate Entities, Routes and more.


Data management is essential for modern applications. That's why Gluey leverages Ent by Meta - a statically typed ORM that is part of the Linux Foundation.

UI Interactivity

Smooth and sustainable user-interaction is key to win customers hearts. We offer you the best by leveraging HTMX and Hyperscript.

User Management

An application is nothing without users. Therefore user management is built right in including multi-tenancy support.

Task Scheduling

Jobs are part of most of our projects. So Gluey comes with support for schedulable recurring CRON Jobs that intergrate right into your app.

Efficient Simplicity

Gluey is designed for straightforward organization of your app's structure and logic, ensuring clarity without unnecessary complexity.

Why Gluey?

For nearly two decades I've been building web applications using a plethora of tech stacks using Go, Python, Ruby, Java, C#, PHP or Javascript.

Having used all these languages I came to the conclusion that Go is the sweetspot between developer productivity, quick onboarding, performance, single-binary builds and type-safety.

The only thing that it's lacking coming from those wholistic web framework ecosystems is a good convention over configuration based web framework that stays as close to the built in language features and only extends where necessary.

Gluey is my approach to catering a stack that makes the setup of a new fullstack Go web project a breeze by providing a convention over configuration approach that carefullt enhances the Stdlib with features you need for every production web app.

Gluey builds upon the shoulders of giants in the Go ecosystem. Each component is carefully selected with the goal of adhering to the language standards and glued together so you don't have to.

Stay tuned for what Gluey will become and feel free to join the Discord Group to chat about this upcoming next generation Go framework.

Cheers yours

Bijan Rahnema
Bijan Rahnema
Developer and Founder
Screen Island GmbH
Follow me on Twitter